Gifted Group is an advisor based in Singapore.

How can we help

Family Officer Consultant

We offer premier family office advisory services, with the expertise to support other family offices and provide comprehensive wealth management services to HNWIs. Leveraging our in-depth understanding of Singapore as a wealth management hub, we deliver customised, tailor-made solutions that cater to the unique needs and goals of our clients. Our services include evaluating professionals such as lawyers, auditors, and tax advisors, providing valuation for family-held businesses, and offering consulting services for liquid assets including real estate, art, and wine.

Financial Expert Witness

We specialise in providing valuation and investigative services in dispute resolution and litigation in Singapore. Our team has served as Expert Witness in multiple cases, including a landmark SFC case involving the suspension of a hedge fund manager for using non-public information. Our expertise ensures precise and unbiased assessments to support your legal and financial needs, making us a trusted partner in navigating complex legal landscapes and achieving fair outcomes.

The Evolving Family Office Sector

Modern family offices are characterized by a high degree of specialization and a broader spectrum of in-house expertise, reflecting a shift towards a more comprehensive service offering. Investment strategies have transformed, with a noticeable increase in direct, active investments that align closely with long-term goals and purposeful objectives. This evolution has led to a more diverse sector, where each family office is uniquely tailored to the specific needs and priorities of the families they represent.

The Role of External Advisors

The significance of family office advisors has fluctuated, now positioned at the crossroads of conflicting dynamics: the desire of family offices to autonomously manage their wealth and legacy, and the growing complexities and risks of wealth management. Historically, family offices adopted a more passive role, primarily facilitating connections with expert advisors for investment, estate planning, and tax advice, thus elevating the advisor's importance.


However, this dynamic has shifted notably in recent years. Family offices are increasingly taking charge of their wealth management, often acting more as advisors than administrators. This shift is supported by hiring specialist resources internally to better serve their strategic intentions. Key drivers of this trend include:

  • Purpose-Driven Investments:

    Families are increasingly using their offices as vehicles for achieving impactful legacies, with a significant move towards sustainable and impact investments.

  • Direct Investments

    There's a growing trend towards direct, private investments, moving away from traditional, more liquid investment products, with offices leveraging their business networks for new opportunities.

  • Performance Focus

    Many offices are prioritising performance, adopting a long-term, multi-generational approach to wealth management aimed at achieving higher returns amid concerns about inflation and low returns on traditional assets.

  • Generational Transition

    Advisors often overlook building relationships with upcoming generational leaders, focusing instead on the family patriarch, which can lead to a change in advisors as younger generations take charge.

The Resurgence of Advisors

Despite the trend towards autonomy, the complexity of the modern family office landscape—amplified by regulatory, tax, and economic changes—necessitates expert advice more than ever. Here are several reasons why advisors are becoming indispensable again:

As leadership transitions from the founding generation, many offices find themselves unprepared for the risks and challenges this brings, highlighting the need for specialised support.

Ironically, the shift towards purpose-driven, direct investments that initially drove family offices away from advisors is now revealing gaps in knowledge and competence, bringing them back to seek expert guidance.

With the drive towards more complex, autonomous structures, family offices face escalating costs. Advisors can offer significant cost savings through restructuring and streamlining efforts.

The increased complexity in tax compliance and new regulatory landscapes, combined with a more litigious environment, underscores the critical role of advisors in helping family offices focus on core priorities like family strategy.

The digital age brings opportunities but also threats like cybercrime and reputational risks. Family offices are increasingly seeking specialist advisors to navigate these challenges effectively.

Gifted Capital is committed to being more than just an advisor.

We aim to be your strategic partner, ensuring your family office is not only prepared for the future but also positioned to thrive across generations.


Our team of seasoned financial experts combines deep industry knowledge with innovative thinking. We constantly strive to stay ahead of market trends, enabling us to offer cutting-edge solutions that adapt to an ever-evolving business landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

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The Gifted Capital team is formed by individuals with diverse backgrounds, countries and ethnicities.